Upcoming events
At the moment, there are no events planned.
Stay tuned for upcoming events !

10/12/2024 @ 15:00 CET/14:00 GMT 12/12/2024 @ 13:00 CET/12:00 GMT
workshop online : Festive Resilience: Thriving in the Season of High Demands
The holiday season can be magical—but let’s be honest, it’s also one of the most demanding times of the year! Between professional deadlines, personal obligations, and festive preparations, it’s easy to feel stretched thin and like your energy is completely drained. In this interactive workshop we’ll explore practical tools to help you stay grounded, energised, and resilient—even during the busiest time of year.
If you can't attend live - no problem ! I will send you the replay and you can watch and listen at a time that works better for you.
Past events
Prioritise to Energise: Maximising Productivity and Well-being

07/11/2024 @ 13:00 CET
workshop online : Break Free from Procrastination: Unlock Your Productivity and Take Action
Do you find yourself putting things off, even when you know they’re important?
You are not alone! In this 1-hour interactive workshop, we’ll explore: the 6 procrastinator profiles, the reasons behind your procrastination, practical tools to move you from being stuck to taking sustainable action. You’ll walk away with tools and insights to help you take action and stop delaying the tasks that matter most. Whether you're tackling personal or professional challenges, this session will give you the boost you need to get started!
Prioritise to Energise: Maximising Productivity and Well-being

08/10/2024 @ 12:30

Atelier: L'art d'Agir - Libérez Vous de la Procrastination
Est ce que vous vous retrouvez bloquer par la procrastination? Est ce que vous êtes prêt à dire adieu à la procrastination et à accueillir un avenir plus productif ? Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage de découverte et de transformation personnelle !
Prioritise to Energise: Maximising Productivity and Well-being

June 18 2024

Atelier: Libérez-vous en Disant Non !
Libérez-vous en Disant Non : S'épanouir en Établissant des Limites. Dans cet atelier dynamique, découvrez comment...
Prioritise to Energise: Maximising Productivity and Well-being

June 27 2024
Online Event
Workshop: Free Yourself: Say No & Thrive
Liberate Yourself: Saying No to Thrive! In this interactive workshop, discover how to ...
Prioritise to Energise: Maximising Productivity and Well-being
14 May 2024
In-person Event @ COLOFT Sophia-Antipolis

Mieux comprendre et gérer sa charge mentale
19 Mars 2024
In-person Event @ COLOFT Sophia-Antipolis