About me
What would you like to know about me?
I am a mother and a step-mother to four kids. I live in a loving, hectic household where there is always a lot going on. Finding the right balance is a constantly moving target for all of us.
I grew up and studied in the UK, but France has been home for nearly twenty years now.This blend of cultures is now woven into my life and I love the different perspectives that offers me.
I have always loved nature, the outdoors and sports. I spent many years doing triathlon, cycling and running, but these days I have found a new balance that includes yoga, qi-gong and climbing. I enjoy combining all these disciplines, in something that I call “Core Movement”. Being active is definitely one of the keys to my happiness.
I studied to be a mechanical engineer, following my Dad’s example and worked for over twenty years, in big companies like Jaguar Land Rover, Alstom and Thales. I had the chance to travel and to explore many different technical and management positions in my career. As time went by, I become increasingly attracted to more people-centric roles. In doing so, I discovered a passion for empowering others.

The pivotal moment came with the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdown created an opportunity to pause, reflect, and recalibrate (despite being stuck at home with 4 children!). Juggling a demanding career with the challenges of raising four children, was leaving me feeling drained, stressed and un-fulfilled.
With the some help from a remarkable coach, I started a journey of self-discovery and it was truly life-changing. I redefined my purpose and priorities. I went on to complete my coach training the following year and gained my ICF coahcing qualification the year after that . The final step was leaving my salaried job to launch my own business.
My mission as a coach is to empower others and help them see how, by being more of who they truly are, they can find energy and fulfilment that lasts.
Just like I have.

What is Core Energy ?

My coaching method is based on Core DynamicsTM, a powerful methodology developed by iPEC coaching. I also draw from other sources including the work of Jim Loher and Tony Schwartz . I use a holistic framework centred around four vital energy sources: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.
Physical energy isn't just about working out; it's about nourishing your body, honouring your need for rest and embracing movement that invigorates you.
Mental energy fuels your focus, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
Emotional energy, colours your experience - from joy to sorrow, anger to love, shaping your interactions with the world around you.
Spiritual energy is your driving force, your north star: the purpose that motivates your actions.
The four energies are interconnected, each influencing the other. A difficult night’s sleep, followed by a fraught school run might make it difficult to focus during a presentation at work. A stressful meeting feeling disappointed and angry, might make it hard to find the motivation to go to that new yoga class in the evening. These are simplified examples, but digging into your energy will uncover opportunities for optimisation, resilience and transformation.
When we work together we will start with the Energy LeadershipTM Index (ELI) Assessment.
It is a research-backed insight tool, created by iPEC. It assesses how you currently perceive and approach your work and life and turns it into a tangible metric: your current average resonating energy level. Starting from the insights from the ELI we will work together to build your personalised energy formula. You will see a transformations in your relationships, confidence level and self leadership skills. Energy Leadership will help you lead by example, with power, purpose, and passion.

to learn more about the ELI: https://www.ipeccoaching.com/energy-leadership-index
“Mary is a great active listener, very empathetic and also has a good sense of humour ...she has helped me analyse professional and personal situations, gain clarity and make sound decisions which I have not regretted”
- Oriane